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22nd November 2022
Issue 14
Welcome to the programme newsletter
Welcome to the latest edition of the Humber Acute Services programme stakeholder newsletter. In it you'll find the latest news and updates about the programme, alongside information about how you can get involved, share your ideas or ask questions.

This issue will provide an update of some of our engagement and how you can get involved.
How we have been listening
What is an Integrated Impact Assessment?
Over the next few months the Humber Acute Services Programme team will be listening to staff, patients, carers and representatives to help us update our Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA).

The Integrated Impact Assessment is a tool to help us understand how different changes could impact different people and different groups of people, both positively and negatively.

Our assessment looks at six different areas:
  • Patient experience
  • Patient safety
  • Effectiveness
  • Equality
  • Workforce
  • Sustainability
Bringing all the evidence we have gathered together in this way helps decision-makers to see how different options could affect different groups. The Equalities Impact Assessment part considers how changes could impact on people with protected characteristics under the Equality Act – such as race, religion or sexual orientation – and also looks more broadly at people who face additional barriers to accessing healthcare for all sorts of reasons, such as poverty or rural isolation.

If you represent or work with any communities or equality groups, and would like to feed into the Impact Assessment, please get in touch by emailing us or completing our online survey
Citizens and Equality Groups Workshop – Understanding the impacts of change
We recently began the process of updating our Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA). This assessment is important in allowing us to understand the impacts any potential changes to the delivery of hospital services could have on our patients, staff, the public and any other stakeholders.

To allow us to update our IIA we wanted to collect feedback from communities and groups of people who already face barriers and disadvantages to ensure they are not more adversely impacted by any future changes.

To ensure as many equality groups had an opportunity to provide feedback, we invited individuals and representatives with a wide range of backgrounds and experiences, this included our Citizen's Panel.

In addition, 1-to-1 sessions were offered for those unable to attend the workshop to increase participation and ensure all identified stakeholders had an opportunity to be heard.

We will continue to engage with as many groups as possible over the coming months. In particular, we are reaching out to listen to people affected by substance misuse or drug addiction, the LGBTQ+ community, people living with dementia and people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

If you are able to support or signpost us to equality groups within the community please get in touch by emailing or alternatively please click here to complete our online form.
Lincolnshire Maternity Voices
Each year approximately 600 women and birthing people from Lincolnshire, particularly those living around Mablethorpe, Louth, and Skegness, travel to give birth at a hospital in the Humber. The majority at Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital in Grimsby.

Working in partnership with Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board and the Lincolnshire Maternity Voices Partnership, we planned a series of engagement activities across those Lincolnshire communities, to provide an opportunity for local women to tell us how any potential changes to maternity and neonatal services in the Humber area might impact them. The insights gathered are helping to inform our Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA).

In early October we attended a maternity roadshow event in Skegness where we spoke to over 30 new or expectant parents about their birthing journey.

Throughout November and December 2022, we will visit children’s centres in Louth and Binbrook and a midwifery clinic in Mablethorpe to continue our conversations with Lincolnshire families to better understand any potential impacts and mitigations.

If you would like more information on this work, please email
Get Involved
Can you help?
We have been listening to feedback and ideas from people across the Humber over the past 18 months and these have really helped to influence our emerging ideas.

As we develop these ideas for how services could look in the future, we will be continuing to reach out to particular groups within our community, to help us better understand how they may be impacted by any potential changes to acute hospital services. Throughout our work we are seeking to listen to all communities and individuals and reduce health inequalities in the Humber area.

The groups we would particularly like to engage with include:
  • People living with serious and enduring mental illness
  • People living with poor mental health, including parents and carers.
  • Adults and children with learning disabilities or difficulties, including parents and carers.
  • People from black, Asian or minority ethnic backgrounds
  • People who identify as LGBTQ+
  • People affected by homelessness.
How can you help?
  • Do you work with or support any of these groups, or know someone who does?
  • Do you know of any pre-existing groups we could attend?
  • Would you like to be involved and represent the voices of the people you work with?
If you answer 'yes' to any of the above, then please click here to register your interest in hosting or supporting a focus group or other engagement activity over the coming months.
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Ask A Question
You can ask a question or provide feedback about any aspect of the programme at any time by using the online question portal.

Click here to submit your questions.
Read again
We launched our revamped Humber Acute Services programme newsletter in July 2021. Each newsletter includes a range of information about the programme and you can access previous editions by clicking the links below:
For any enquiries, please email:
If you would not like to receive further emails from us please click here to unsubscribe.

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